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Bulk springerle tub

Bulk springerle tub

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Bulk springerle tub

**Mother's Day cookie order deadline is Sun., April 28, 2024**

**During the Mother's Day season, this tub will be made in Mother's Day designs unless you specify otherwise in the special instructrions part of your order form.**

Enjoy a tub of 50 springerle cookies at a substantial savings over the dozen price! Perfect for weddings, anniversary parties, christenings, house warmings, birthdays, garden parties, or just about any get-together, these cookies freeze beautifully right in the tub they're shipped in! Enjoy them all at once, or remove a few at a time on a cooling rack and keep the rest for special occasions! Choose your flavor selection from the drop-down box.: during the Mother's Day season, only flavors from our Mother's Day cookie selections are available. Also, if you would like a specific theme (birthday, garden party, wedding, etc.), please note the occasion and the theme desired in the "special instructions" part of the order form and we're happy to choose designs to suit your occasion! - please do keep in mind that the themes of our molds are traditional.
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Your Price: $72.00
A one-time price of $72.00 will be added to your order.
Categories: Springerle Cookies
  • Description

Enjoy 50 cookies shipped in a reusable tub: please choose flavor from the drop-down box. Perfect for many special events, or just keep them in the freezer to enjoy over months: springerle cookies freeze beautifully! **During our Mother's Day season, available flavors will be Mother's Day cookie selection flavors only**